What are the shipping options?

There are two delivery options: by post or express courier. For more information, please visit our delivery page

When will I receive my order?

Following your purchase, you will receive a tracking number which will enable you to follow your order.

What should I do if I've never received my order?

In this case, please contact us by telephone or e-mail.

Where are you located?

Our company is based in Switzerland, Allée du Quartz 3, La Chaux-de-Fonds. We have specialized in the medical sector for many years and are ISO 13485 certified.

How can I be sure I'm ordering the right size?

Our products come in a range of sizes, with size guides to which you can refer. If you have any doubts, please contact us by telephone.

How can I contact your company if my question isn't answered here?

In this case, please use our contact details to get in touch with us.